What do we do?
In brief, we run and operate Cryptocurrency Mining Datacenters "as a Service" for customers and generate fees in return for the same. We also supply devices and peripherals for customers globally.
WARNING: Engaging with cryptocurrencies is extremely risky and dependent on regulations across different geographies. We are not financial advisors and engaging with any of our products and services does not guarantee any sort of financial rewards. Users of any products and services on our platform are strongly advised to do their own research inclusive of geo-specific legislations and understand the risks accordingly from licensed financial advisors in the space. As of December 2023, pending broad-based regulatory clarity, all cryptocurrencies across the spectrum are only lines of code offering no intrinsic value or otherwise in comparison to real regulated money-markets. Anyone found proceeding from here is deemed to be engaging with the Protocol at his or her own free will and risk appetite with no liability or impact due to the Project Team We are unequivocally not responsible for results of any users decision making.
Tokenizing DC mining as an ERC-20
The QWIK Token, is a fully minted ERC-20 Token with a Total supply of 1,000,000. Trading Fees:
4% Buy Fee
0% Sell Fee (8% Sell Fee if sold within 60 days)
Initial trading fee will be at 40% in order to deter launch snipers.
This Fee is utilized to fund the DC expansion and regular operational expenses. It is generated by users transacting on the token post launching on the Uniswap Decentrailized Exchange.
The Fee will be redirected to a clearly labeled wallet which can be easily tracked by members of the protocol.
A 1% holding limit will be applied at launch and removed after first few blocks of trading.
The Contract will be renounced post launch and only a rescue function has been made available to pull the LP tokens from the CA to relock periodically.
No other modifications - changes to buy or sell fee, trading limits, wallet holding limits etc can be executed.
Launch Allocation:
88% - Uniswap DEX
8% - Project Team
4% - Operational Expenses (3rd Party service providers - PR agencies, Airdrops, CEXs, Aggregator listings, Social Media management, Community Management, Rewards, more)
The revenue (Mining fees on the DC) will be distributed between token holders and the project as follows:
0 - 6 months
6-12 months
12th month onward
How is the revenue generated:
With multiple DCs in operation via co-located Mining for 3rd Parties, the Project generates fees from users on a monthly basis.
With mining facilities located across 3 geographies to cater for BCP/DR and strong hands & feet presence for daily operations, we have a robust userbase and a strong pipeline of future customers interested to participate in cryptocurrency mining.
The projected annual revenue in fees from mining operations is currently approximated at $1,000,000+ net (dependent on customer throughput and prevalent market conditions impacting miner risk appetite).
How it works:
We provide the Mining DC, which can also be considered as a Real World Asset (RWA) to interested holders as an ERC-20 on the Ethereum chain
This ERC-20 allows holders to participate in a fee sharing mechanism designed to further grow the overall Mining DCs across more sites thereby attracting more institutional miners at large
The Mining DC operates as it already does today, invoicing customers (the actual mining device owners) at the end of each month at pre agreed rates (varies between 0.08 USD kWh to 0.14 USD kWh depending on agreements). This invoice is for the monthly fee charged to customers who use the "as a Service" mining DC as well as colocated devices
The amount raised as part of the monthly invoicing, is what is presented as the give-back or reward component to holders of the ERC-20 token
At the present moment the holders only need to hold the ERC-20 token in order to receive rewards on a monthly basis as a WETH airdrop, however in future staking pools may be considered in order to promote longevity and sustainability.
Last updated