Qwikmine DC Tokenization
Enabling Mining DC Tokenization as an ERC-20 on the Ethereum Network.
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Enabling Mining DC Tokenization as an ERC-20 on the Ethereum Network.
Last updated
WARNING: Engaging with cryptocurrencies is extremely risky and dependent on regulations across different geographies. We are not financial advisors and engaging with any of our products and services does not guarantee any sort of financial rewards. Users of any products and services on our platform are strongly advised to do their own research inclusive of geo-specific legislations and understand the risks accordingly from licensed financial advisors in the space. As of December 2023, pending broad-based regulatory clarity, all cryptocurrencies across the spectrum are only lines of code offering no intrinsic value or otherwise in comparison to real regulated money-markets. Anyone found proceeding from here is deemed to be engaging with the Protocol at his or her own free will and risk appetite with no liability or impact due to the Project Team We are unequivocally not responsible for results of any users decision making.
A mining datacenter, as the name suggests is almost the same as a typical IT datacenter except that the hardware and software utilization is limited to Cryptocurrency mining activities.
The Global Cryptocurrency marketcap as of Dec 30th 2023 is at $1.6 Trillion and is set to grow further as regulatory authorities worldwide begin to introduce measures expected to increase global adoption of various Cryptocurrencies.
By tokenizing the Mining DC as a Real World Asset (RWA) on Ethereum, we enable users to digitally own a slice of the mining fees generated by customers of the DC.
With largescale BTC, LTC, ETC, DOGE, RVN, KDA, KAS and more miners already in house and fully operational for clients across the globe, we are in a strong position to expand and scale operations across new geographies in order to onboard more individuals & institutions looking to get into the Cryptocurrency mining space.
With a proven and consistent track record of delivering cutting edge mining services for various crypto across the spectrum, we believe there is a room for further leveraging the digital space by enabling DC tokenization at large where users can be a part of the brick and mortar business without having to physically invest time or effort into setting up, managing and maintaining the same. This large-scale decentralization of the entire process seamlessly allows any user from any part of the globe to participate in the capacity of a Token holder eligible for a portion of the mining fees generated by the customers of the DC.
We've put together some helpful guides for you to get setup with our project quickly and easily.